Jobhunting Hawaii – How to Find a Job in Hawaii
Assuming that you know what you want to do and where you want to do it, here are 10 things that will help you the best finding a job in Hawaii:
Employer Websites
You have your target employers, where are they hidding the jobs?
The person-to-person connection is THE source of the most job offers.
Ask any friends or contacts that you have in Hawaii about job possibilities. If you do not have any friends yet and no contacts either, then you can ask questions in online chat rooms or forums that focus around Hawaii employment.
Social Media
A relative new-comer but becoming very effective
The most powerful and effective of the professional networks
Job Aggregators
Powerful and very useful
Job Sites
Start with the big jobboards like careerbuilder, but also find specialist jobboards through google. Post your resume online as well so you will create awareness about your job skills.
Recruiters, Staffing Firms, & Head Hunters
Visit the recruiting offices in Hawaii such as Labor Ready, Office Team, Spherion, and a variety of others within the city. Recruiting offices will be able to assess your skills and place you in a job that will match your skills. Can help or hurt, and they don’t work for you. They work for the employer.
Classified Ads
Collect several of Hawaii newspapers and look through the classifieds of each paper. West Hawaii Today, Hawaii News and Maui News all offer a selection of job listings and employment offers. Do your research and circle the jobs that apply to your experience.
Google has many hidden talents plus excellent tools for your job search.
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